Working to lower remittance fees and provide innovative financing solutions for people, businesses, and governments |
Remittances and Migration |
With 250 million international migrants and over 750 million internal migrants, one in every seven persons in the world is a migrant. Remittances provide a tangible link between migration and development of the countries of origin. At $450 billion, these flows are over three times the total of development aid; they provide a lifeline in many economies, especially in small, poor and conflict-affected countries.
Migration and Development: A Role for the World Bank Group provides a good reading of the state of the literature and policy discourse on migration. Migration and Remittances Factbook 2016 provides the facts behind the stories on migration, for 200+ countries. Leveraging Migration for Africa: Remittances, Skills, and Investments, has concrete policy recommendations on migration from a development perspective. A few other useful resources are: Diaspora for Development in Africa. May 2011. Remittance Markets in Africa. May 2011. Global Economic Prospects 2006: Economic Implications of Remittances and Migration. November 2005. South-South Migration and Remittances. June 2007. Remittances: Development Impact and Future Prospects. June 2005. For the latest data on remittances, migration, estimates of bilateral flows for over 200 countries, and other useful resources, see